How to strengthen your immunity with collagen?

Collagen supplement on the table

Our current lifestyle poses many challenges to our health. Constant rush, lack of physical activity, stress, unhealthy eating – all this negatively affects our well-being. One of the key elements of maintaining good body condition is immunity. Is it worth introducing regular supplements into your diet? What is worth knowing about them and how to strengthen your immunity with collagen supplements?

What properties does collagen have?

Collagen is a structural protein that constitutes approximately 30% of proteins in the human body. Its main function is to maintain the structure and elasticity of skin, bones, tendons, joints and blood vessels. Although the body produces collagen naturally, its amount decreases with age, which may affect the condition of our skin, bones and joints.

Does the appropriate level of collagen affect the body’s immunity?

Scientific research shows that collagen plays a very important role in supporting the immune system. The mechanism of collagen’s effect on immunity can be explained by its effect on the body’s protective barriers. The skin, the largest defense organ, uses collagen to maintain its firmness. Collagen also participates in the formation of mucous membranes, which constitute a barrier to microorganisms. Thanks to this, supplementation can help maintain effective protection against infections.

Production of immune cells with the support of collagen

Collagen also influences the production of immune cells, such as lymphocytes, which play a key role in the body’s defense against infections. Providing the body with the appropriate amount of collagen can increase the number and activity of lymphocytes, which in turn strengthens the immune system.

Reducing inflammation

The compounds contained in collagen also have anti-inflammatory effects. It is worth remembering that chronic inflammation can weaken immunity, leading to various diseases. Collagen supplements can help reduce inflammation, which has a positive effect on the overall condition of the body.

Collagen and joint health

In addition to its immune benefits, collagen also plays an important role in maintaining joint health. It reduces the risk of injuries and improves the flexibility of tendons and joints, which is especially important for people who live physically active lives. Strong, flexible joints help maintain an active lifestyle, which in turn has a positive effect on the body’s overall immunity.

Remember about vitamin C

When talking about immunity, it is impossible not to mention the most popular vitamin that supports it, i.e. vitamin C. Thanks to it, we can improve the functioning of the immune system and support the functioning of the nervous system and protect its cells against oxidative stress. Vitamin C also fights apathy and fatigue and helps maintain a balanced energy metabolism.

Which collagen supplements should you choose?

Taking into account the advantages of this vitamin, a good solution is to choose a supplement with collagen and vitamin C. This combination guarantees the best results. It should be remembered that in building immunity – apart from regularly taking dietary supplements – the following are also important:

  • physical activity, including outdoor activity,
  • a balanced diet, rich in nutrients, full of vegetables and fruits,
  • avoiding stress and getting enough sleep, as well as eliminating stimulants, such as alcohol or cigarettes,
  • limiting the use of antibiotics and the abuse of painkillers,
  • taking care of the immune system all year round, not only when we get sick.

It is worth considering including collagen supplements in your daily diet to support your body in maintaining optimal condition for many years.

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